
Hi everyone, my name is Britney Aseroma your new friend. Real friends share their pain and happiness with people close to them. Take me as your friend and let me help solve your problems. Remember, a friend in need is a friend indeed
I am devoted to helping people in the best way I can and I hope I can make you happy. Just click on the topics. Love, Britney Aseroma😘


  1. Hello Britney
    I know it’s inappropriate to talk about this in your blog but can I have your number. It’s been a while


    1. To date at a young age is not bad but not advicable. You see, with experience comes maturity, and it is only, I repeat only! When you are mature enough to face the things that come with it that you can go into it. You must be mentally,emotionally, physically and psychologically fit. So my question to you is why would you stress yourself about all these when you are not ready to get married or settle down. If you are ready to go on this roller coaster, then you can. Love is a strong feeling! True love is also felt and you notice that your life revolves around that person to the extent that you can do anything for her. Joshuaaaaaa………hmm


  2. Hello Britney.
    I have one question that’s been bothering me…how can I eat and not get fat? Please help, thank you.

    Skinny girl in transit.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello, there are different ways you can eat and not get fat. Its just about eating the right food in the right proportion. Please note that oily foods can make you fat if you take them in excess. And if you are a dessert kind of person, always make sure you detoxify. I hope I’ve helped you😊

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Hello Britney,
      There’s this girl I like but can’t​ tell her because she has a boyfriend and there are other girls into me but I really like this one girl. WHAT SHOULD I DO


      1. Hey Joshua!
        Well, the fact that she has a boyfriend is the first thing that should put you off. She’s taken Joshua, try to move on if you can. You’ll find other girls one day (I’m sure its not gonna be hard for you tho’) i hope I’ve helped u😄


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